Pundit Cuisine of Kashmiri

This is a cuisine from the hindus of the Kashmir region.The cuisine of Kashmir has actually developed over hundreds of years the major and the first influence on the Kashmiri cuisine is the food of the Kashmiri Pandits. After that the Kashmiri cuisine was influenced by the culture of the people who reached Kashmir with the invasion of the region by Timur from Uzbekistan. The Kashmiri cuisine has also been influenced by other central Asian, Afghan and Persian cultures.
The state of Kashmir was originally known as Kashyap Mar, the sacred land of Rishi Kashyap, from whom the valley got its name. The Pandits of Kashmir have followed the directives of the Shastras to a great extent for over the centuries. The Kashmiri Pandits are the Saraswat Brahmins, who were the descendants of the Rishis and Munis, like Bhardwaj, Kashyap and Dattatrya.
The actual Kashmiri Pandit Cuisine uses a lot of turmeric and yoghurt. The Kashmiri Pandit Cuisine traditionally does not use garlic and onion. Some of the typical foods included in the Kashmiri Pandit Cuisine are, Veth Chaman, Chamani Qaliya, Nadeir Yakhean, Dama Oluv, Nadier Palak, Muji Chetein, Choek Vangan, Razmah Dal Aanchar, Razmah Goagji, etc.


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