Popular Dishes and Recipes

Click on the dishes below for their recipes (Ingredients and Cooking Instructions)


1. Chamaani Qaliya
2. Veth Chaman
3. Firun
4. Kheer
5. Muji Chetein


Jennifer on July 5, 2011 at 6:08 AM said...

Above all the dishes are different taste effects. Most of the people like this kind of recipe only. Its preparing time is very quickly.

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vasundhara singh on May 19, 2014 at 10:34 AM said...

Hi, greetings from Assam !

I wanted to know how authentic are these recipes on ur blog. Because there are a lot of versions of these dishes on the internet and I cant figure which will be authentic because i have never had Kashmiri food ever before, but would love to try! And since i live in a remote area, i don't have an option other than cooking it myself.

Recently made the paneer dish Tsaman right out of a Nita Mehta recipe book, tasted good, but doubting the authenticity.

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